
Cloud technology

Articles and guides on how UK SMEs can leverage cloud services to benefit from cost-effective and scalable solutions that enhance productivity, collaboration, and flexibility, that were once only available to larger enterprises.

Business Technology

What is the best cloud storage for UK small business?

What is the best cloud storage for UK small business? A Small Business guide to the most popular cloud storage systems for SMEs.

Business Technology

How cloud telephone systems can help your small business

Cloud telephone systems are easy to use and can modernise your communication needs; not to mention save money

Business management

Controlling the cloud: How SMEs can get a handle on costs

Alex Dalglish, head of technical services at global IT services company COMPAREX, talks about steps SMEs can take to ensure they are making the most efficient and cost-effective IT decisions.

Business Technology

Business got talent? How cloud technology could help you retain it

Paul Blore, managing director of Netmetix, explains how cloud computing can help them deliver a winning performance.

Business Technology

Essential business savings and security facts when migrating to cloud

As global corporations in emerging markets move to the cloud it is clearly understood that cloud storage is highly beneficial for any scale business.

Business Technology

Why small businesses should migrate to the cloud

Medium and large businesses are quick to integrate the latest technologies in their operations to improve their performance. However, start-ups and small businesses take time before adopting new technologies.

Business Technology

Why are UK small businesses turning to cloud solutions?

New research looks into how UK small businesses use cloud data storage and finds a rise in the adoption of the technology.

Business Technology

Using cloud servers for data storage

With cloud data storage getting more and more intuitive and secure, small businesses need to learn to take advantage the new storage system.


Sage responds to SME appetite for cloud and AI tech

Half of small businesses around the world say they are ready for bots to run their personal and professional lives.

Business Technology

Cisco global cloud index projects cloud traffic to nearly quadruple

Business' reliance on data centres has forced further advances in cloud server technology to keep up with demand.

Business Technology

Small businesses and the problem with spreadsheets

Ben Gladstone highlights the dangers of SMEs using manual spreadsheets for critical business processes.

Business Technology

Is the SME market ready for hybrid cloud?

How does the hybrid cloud, an integration of local IT infrastructure with public cloud services, fit into the small business landscape?

Partner content

Why you need a business bank account

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Partner content

5 things every small business owner needs to know before starting

HSBC - Advertising feature

Business management

How to create good cashflow habits

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Business Technology

How to keep your small business safe online

Here's how Security Service Edge from Vodafone can help to protect your SME from ever-increasing cyber threats